Is there a hiker she doesn't know?
Meet The Social Butterfly! If you’re a hiker, chances are you already have. For this trail monarch, counting ‘hellos’ is second nature—like some people count calories or steps. For her, the journey is the destination; meeting and greeting is the point. The trail network’s premier networker, she just might be the Kevin Bacon of the backcountry.
Our newest action figure will have you watching in awe as she effortlessly floats between mile markers, leaving a wake of new friendships, tentative plans, and lots of Hi, how are you?’s. Is she drunk? No! That’s just her amazing balance and positive disposition that has her fluttering from hiker to hiker like a campaigning politician.
The Social Butterfly includes:
🦋 Articulated arms for enthusiastic waving and hugging.
🦋 Interchangeable backpacks to hold extra supplies for new friends who might be in need.
🦋 DIY pockets sized to hold her phone, calendar apps, and a weekend's supply of friendship bracelets.
🦋 A combination bear spray/mosquito repellent/EpiPen — because you just never know.
🦋 An advanced surveillance drone with defensive capabilities, cleverly disguised as a Danaus plexippus. Because the Social Butterfly may be friendly, but she’s sure not dumb.
🦋 Ombre-colored Hydro Flask (always a conversation starter).
🦋 Geocache stones and trinkets to spread the good vibes.
🦋 A book of her favorite photos from the 21,000 people she’s met since 2020.
🦋 Bonus Accessory: A vintage Pentax camera to make taking photos (and making memories) not as easy as it could be.
Batteries not required.
The Social Butterfly is the latest from Rock Fight Action Figures... Collect 'em All!
(Disclaimer: Rock Fight Outdoor Action Figures are possibly possessed by ancient demons, throw real rocks, and are not recommended for anyone to actually own. Available exclusively at defunct toy and sporting goods retailers nowhere. All rights reserved.)