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Rock Fight Action Figures... Jerry Bum™

Behold! Jerry Bum™

The Ultimate Super Jerry!

Behold Jerry Bum™, the only action figure that captures the legend every Jerry thinks they are: fearless, flawless, and utterly unstoppable. This is no ordinary Jerry, he’s a Super Jerry, an embodiment of greatness that lives entirely in their own mind. Impossibly cool, perfectly fitted, and hair quaffed for speed, Jerry Bum™ is the main character in every ski vid.

Press his thumb to hear iconic lines like:

•  “I invented this trick!” 

•  “First tracks, every time!”

•  “Siege the Day!”

•  “Sorry for barfing on your bib."

But it wouldn’t be a Jerry if there also wasn’t a bunch of cheap crap for sale. With logo’d apparel (available on the website), product co-labs (available on another website), and random merchandise with clever taglines (available on the first website), there isn’t anything Jerry Bum™ can’t have made in China and sold to his millions of social media followers.

Whether shredding the gnar (bunny slope) or giving off werewolf vibes in the lodge, Jerry Bum™ is the ultimate tribute to slow motion train wrecks and self-proclaimed greatness.

Jerry Bum™ The Ultimate Super Jerry is the latest from Rock Fight Action Figures... Collect 'em All!

(Disclaimer: Rock Fight Outdoor Action Figures are possibly possessed by ancient demons, throw real rocks, and are not recommended for anyone to actually own. Available exclusively at defunct toy and sporting goods retailers nowhere. All rights reserved.)

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