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Outdoor Brands Make Too Much Stuff with GEARTRADE's Aaron Provine

Our outdoor community has a stuff problem.

Brands keep making way more stuff than we need and there's not a lot of motivation for them to stop.

Today on the show, owner and president of GEARTRADE, Aaron Provine joins THE ROCK FIGHT to talk about how outdoor brands, the resale category, the impact brands are creating in the world and how consumers can approach changing their shopping habits to put secondhand first. Lastly, Aaron offers a prediction for his beloved Denver Broncos.

All that and even a new theme song from Chris DeMakes today on THE ROCK FIGHT!


Colin (00:58):

Thank you, Chris DeMakes and indeed, welcome to the Rock Fight where we speak our truth, slay sacred cows, and sometimes agree to disagree. I'm Colin. True. And today on the show, we're talking about resale and secondhand a topic we've touched on before, but I find it's crucial to bring up again, because buying new stuff is really the best arrow in the quiver for an eco-conscious outdoor consumer. As recent rock flight guests, Sophie Benson told me we need to put secondhand first so you'll never stop hearing me harp on about the fact that we have a stuff problem in the outdoor community, at least until we get to a place where our adventures don't start at the gear shop. And we all start to realize the problem we all must have when it's widely accepted to have an outdoor media company called Gear Junkie. If you're wondering when having fun in the woods became about the stuff, the answer's always outdoor.

(01:52) Historians will point to the fact that in the 18 hundreds, US-based adventure seekers would first seek out buckskin suits from Native American women, so they wouldn't look like the posers they were when they got off the train somewhere in the American West. And outdoor gear and apparel brands have existed in some form for going on 200 years. But people buying this stuff from those brands went from needing it to wanting it as it became less likely you would die by stepping out your front door. And then the industrial revolution happens, and cheap synthetics made stuff more durable and cheaper. And finally, in the 1990s, it became cool to look outdoorsy as pop culture icons started rocking outdoor brands and a few billion dollars later, here we are, you know, there's actually a great podcast called Layers that chronicles the rise of dressing down. I'll link it in the show notes so you can check it out.

(02:44) And you know the host of it, eh, you might sound a little familiar to you. It's all I'm gonna say As we sit here in 2023, resale or secondhand is the best option to actually affect what's happening when it comes to the stuff we consume for our outdoor, and it's also the future. One of the sponsors of the Rock fight is gear And according to them, the average age of a gear trade shopper is younger than 27. Younger than 27. So if outdoor brands don't get hip to how the younger generations are consuming goods, the trails gonna get real rocky for them in the not so distant future. Also, speaking of gear trade, today I'm sitting down with Aaron Provi, who's the owner and president of gear, and we take a look behind the curtain of a retailer who has been in the resale game since 1999, so knows a few things about this topic, the issues the brands are creating for themselves, and how consumers should approach shopping for their next adventure. So welcome back to the Rock Fight. Today we're talking about resale and the outdoor industry with my guest Aaron Provin.

(03:50) Alright, well, we're joined now by Aaron Provin, who is the president of Gear Trade. And if you've been listening to the show over the last couple of months, you may have noticed me reading ads for gear And I wanna start out by pointing that this is not spun con. This is not sponsored content of any kind. Gear trade is a retailer that is leading the way when it comes to providing secondhand options to outdoor consumers. So if you want to talk about the very relevant topic of secondhand goods in the outdoor space, Aaron is the guy you want to talk to. So Aaron, thank you so much for joining. Welcome to the show.

Aaron (04:20):

Thanks for having me on

Colin (04:21):

Right now. Secondhand shopping is kind of the most reliable thing we have going as a way to manage some of the environmental issues, you know, of, of this stuff, you know, and so it's, um, I it's a little overlooked. I mean, is that, is that a fair statement?

Aaron (04:34):

No, I mean, it's grown in momentum, you know, uh, resale as a, as a whole is starting to get a, uh, a bigger light, you know, put on it. Yeah. You know, resale resale's been around and outdoor for a long time, right? I mean, thrift stores have been around, uh, local stores have been around, uh, but, you know, resale at scale and resale on a national scale that goes beyond kind of your traditional, you know, outdoor, you know, locations has been a little bit of a foreign concept. Uh, you know, and I think as you know, not just the outdoor industry, but as other industries kind of look at how they collectively start to look at, you know, uh, over consumption and overproduction and, you know, all of these concepts that ultimately have a long-term downstream impact, uh, retail is becoming a bigger and more important topic. And as that's happening, uh, it's starting to become, uh, a little bit more interesting for consumers.

Colin (05:34):

Well, as it pertains to the outdoor space. So, like, you know, long time listeners of this show will probably recognize my constant griping about the bullshit that's inherent in the outdoor industry, which I've those opinions that are formed from a long time working in the outdoor industry. But, you know, any market sector that makes stuff, I think at some point, and they should have by now probably reckon, you know, the impact that, you know, making stuff has. Uh, but in our space, you know, the stuff that's being made is done to get more people outside, at least on paper. I mean, mostly it's t-shirts and trucker caps, right? But at least the technical stuff is made to get more people outside experience the magic of the outdoors. And so you'd think everyone would be constantly doing everything they can to limit their impact. And brands will tell you they do, but really only to the point probably where it doesn't cost them significant revenue. So I, I guess I wanted to ask someone in your position who tends to, who doesn't tend, who does kind of sell this, these brands, you know, and a and try to provide second life to a lot of the products they make, you know, how do you view the industry? You know, the o i a, the brands? Like what's your 10,000 foot view on sort of the whole thing?

Aaron (06:36):

Yeah, I mean, you know, so I mean, full, full disclosure, we, we work with very few brands and, and, and outdoor. And, and a big reason for that is, is just, uh, you know, their kind of perspective, uh, you know, around resale tends to be around customer acquisition and retention, right? Less about kind of the, uh, you know, the, the, the benefits that it can provide, you know, society. Um, the brands that we do work with get it. Uh, and they are all on board. And there's a very, you know, altruistic kind of point of view and perception, uh, you know, a around it. And, uh, you know, the industry, you know, outdoor isn't different from any other business, right? Any other industry. It's built on consumption. It's built on consumerism, it's built on buy more. Uh, you know, and there's, there's a, there's a real challenging kind of component there where, you know, effectively there's, there's a limit <laugh>, you know, uh, you can only create enough stuff before your, you know, uh, your landfill is full, right?

(07:41) Right. It's like, read anything about, you know, the great Pacific Gyre or, or any of these places in the ocean that are just like miles upon miles. You know, it's like, I, I mean, what, what is it like the, the Pacific you know, garbage patch is like larger than the, than the state of Texas. Yeah. Right? It's like that. I mean, it's just, yeah, it's ridiculous. But that is a function of what we're doing, what we're buying, and how we approach it. And the ironic part about outdoor as a whole is that outdoor people tend to buy outdoor stuff so that they can go enjoy nature's, they can go do things in nature, they can experience things in nature. And there's a massive conflict between that and this idea that just consume, just buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy more, take more. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> build.

(08:31) Um, you know, and, and then on top of that, when you look at like, the outdoor industry as a whole, like, brands, uh, are still very in this, this pervasive, you know, thought process where they need to make a lot of different products for very minute things. Uh, and on top of that, most brands and products look the same, right? It's like, cover a black down jacket, cover the logo, and more than likely it's gonna look the same as its competitor, right? There's very little distinguishing features. Uh, but brands continue to build, uh, items that are, you know, they, they have these lines that are 700 items deep, right? It's like, do you really need three different kinds of base layers that solve very ni minute problems? Like, couldn't we just, I don't know, like go with one and, you know, uh, wear more like, like, I don't know, <laugh>, it's, uh, like the, the whole concept is, is designed around creating very specific niches for very small use cases and producing a lot of stuff around it.

Colin (09:37):

That's kind of what I've always but up against. And I, I wrote down while you were chatting, I'm like, am I kind of over romanticizing it? Because you're right, it is, it's still a, the, these are for-profit enterprises, they're making stuff and they wanna sell them. But where I but up against it is, is that intent, right? This isn't like, okay, I'm gonna go back to school shopping. American Eagle makes clothes, it's very black or white, we gotta make more clothes, right? And then sell more clothes. And at the root of the way these brands are marketed, the outdoor brands, is we're gonna get you outside. And man, we love the environment and nature, and we're gonna stand up for public lands, and we're gonna do this and that, and the other thing. And to your point, but we're also gonna have 700 different things in our line that looks like everybody else's stuff.

(10:19) And maybe I'm just naive. Maybe I should just stop screaming into the wind. But that's where my issue stems from, is it's like, yeah, don't you guys see the problem here? Right. You know, you're not, you can't, you could tell me you added a little bit of recycled material to, it doesn't really matter. 'cause it's still gonna end up in a landfill at some point. And, you know, and it's just misleading to the consumer who thinks that now they're buying from this, you know, brand that has ethics and is doing it the right way and everything. And it's really not that any difference than, you know, the, the mall store just selling clothing.

Aaron (10:49):

It, I mean, it's a, it's a real challenge, right? Uh, yeah. And I think that this is, this is part of the, the fundamental problem that the outdoor industry as a, as a whole has, right? Um, it, it'll tow the line, right? It'll tell the story, it'll tell the line, uh, but it won't go over the line, uh, and won't go over the line because that line is, you know, could have a massive impact on size, growth, uh, you know, revenue. And, and, you know, the reality is that growth is, growth is part of the problem, right? It's, it's, uh, you know, how do you, how do you create a sustainable in industry, you know, that takes care of the places that we all love, that encourages people to get outside, encourages new entrants to get outside, uh, but also doesn't destroy, uh, you know, these third world countries that are producing these things, uh, and, and leaves those problems, uh, to, for somebody else to deal with, right? Right. Uh, it's a huge conflict. Uh, most brands don't own their own factory, right? Which means that they're outsourcing those factories. Um, you know, and, and it, it creates a real challenge and it's, and it's a heavy industrial process, just like any other industry. I think the challenge with, with outdoor is that, um, outdoor tends to be very, uh, soapbox oriented, uh, right. And it's soapbox and tells everybody about how good it is. Uh, but the reality is that the problems here are very similar to the problems in, in other places.

Colin (12:22):

We're gonna talk about consumer and consumer shopping habits and things like that as it relates to secondhand, because that's kind of the consumer solutions. It's like, give them other options. But it's also, you know, that knee jerk reaction of, I wanna buy something. It's like, it's a passion purchase most of the time. Right. And for, so for the brands, you know, now you do see, I did some evaluations yesterday. I started looking at the secondhand web stores by, you know, a few of the bigger brands. And I'm sort of wondering, is this, you know, and maybe I'm just cynical, is this legitimate? Are they really trying to like, do better? Or is this a box checking exercise because they see folks like yourself and the kind of rising demand from consumers for other things? So, I mean, I guess, you know, I could talk about my findings on that, but you know, when you see, you know, arc Alteryx have secondhand and the North face has secondhand on their website or an adjacent site, it's not even on their website, <laugh>, which I, that, that didn't make a lot of sense to me either. It's like, put it on your website, don't create an extra step, you know, like, just put it there. But anyway, like, is that, do you feel that sincere, I mean, it's good no matter what, right? It brings, it brings attention to it, but is it, is that a, is that a good thing in your eyes?

Aaron (13:28):

Yeah, I mean, I think it's a good thing. I, I think ultimately what you see there is, is kind of this challenging conflict between, um, traditional business models that have been around for, you know, a hundred, you know, hundreds, hundreds of years. And then, you know, kind of this, this new, uh, you know, kind of thought process around resale. You know, I think that their, their, their mind is in the right place. Their heart is in the right place. Um, I, I think the real challenging part is that there's a, there's a massive conflict of interest, right? And what I mean by that is that, you know, resale, uh, requires a little bit more effort. Uh, it's not as easy as, uh, you know, buying 10,000 black, uh, down jackets <laugh>, right? Uh, and, and being able to scale on that resale is, is if you were to get 10,000 black down jackets, each one would have its own unique flavor, right?

(14:24) Yeah. Right. Uh, as a reseller, you have to describe that, and you have to, uh, you know, you have to make sure that the buying customer understands kind of the, the little nitty gritty that that goes onto that, that, that item mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, you know, rather than taking one photo and writing one description, you're writing, you're taking 10,000 photos and writing 10,000 descriptions, right? <laugh>, which from a scale standpoint becomes a really, really, really difficult, um, and, and so there's, there's a massive cost burden there. And that's, and that's the real challenge with, with resale, and it's a real challenge with, with how brands allocate, you know, internal resources to resale. Um, right now, you know, what you see specifically from the large brands is they're using a third party solution, uh, to be able to help them, you know, sell their, uh, sell their gear and set up a, a, a, you know, a, a storefront.

(15:20) Um, is the experience perfect? Uh, by all means, I would say no. Um, you know, I would also argue, uh, that, you know, for the most, for the most part, uh, a lot of brands are kind of dabbling in this at this point in time. Like, this isn't a fully vetted kind of perspective from, from a branded perspective mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and more importantly, uh, a lot of brands in order to make the dollars and cents work, uh, are utilizing this as a customer acquisition and customer retention play, uh, which effectively eats into their marketing budget. So what you end up seeing is you end up seeing this conflict between do we market our, our products that are, that we're built in a factory, or do we market, you know, the, the secondhand aspect? Um, and secondhand ends up usually taking a back seat, because the reality is that once you've paid for inventory, and inventory is on the water and inventory is in your warehouse, you have to sell that inventory.

(16:18) Um, yeah. With, with retail, um, you know, you definitely want to sell it, but you know, there's a, there's a, there's a pricing conflict within those, within those walls. Um, I, I think the reality of this is that, uh, one of the major issues that a lot of brands, or, or one of the major problems that a lot of brands and mistakes that brands are making, uh, is they're thinking about this from a purely vertical standpoint, right? Which is, uh, you know, if I am a customer of brand X, I wear head to toe, brand X. Um, and that's just not a reality. Uh, customers pick and choose brands. They pick and choose items, they pick and choose kind of their flavor mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so by opening up kind of a, a retail or resale store for, for their brand, they limit their customers into only their brand.

(17:11) And that's, that's the value and, and the value prop that we are, you know, effectively trying to break down those walls, right? That customers can find the brands that they like, find the products that they like, uh, do it in a way that is, that is retail oriented, uh, and helps, helps engage the, the, the customer. Um, you know, so there's, there's a lot of conflicts there. And, and, you know, there's obviously a lot of, um, a lot to unpack in terms of all of those comments. Um, but the reality is, is that, that brands are looking at this from, you know, first and foremost, uh, customer retention. And, uh, and secondarily they're getting kind of a benefit from being able to talk about the green benefits.

Colin (17:57):

Yeah. I think the, because there's really two ways we're gonna get out of sort of the messes we make, right? The consumer, you put it on the consumer, which is what we've been trying to do for decades now, right? Let the consumer demand what they want. Right? And I think when it comes to things like this, it's, it's not, that does, that's proven, that's probably gonna take way too long if it even works ultimately, right? Or then there's the legislative action, which is, you know, then I talk to some folks like Ken Pucker, and you hear about things like the, you know, the New York Fashion Act, and it's like, you know, there's not even an outdoor brand supporting that, right? Right. Which you think if there was an industry that was going to support it, even if it was like detrimental to their business, it would be the outdoor industry, right?

(18:33) So if you bring the attention back to consumers, and that's why I say like right now, secondhand is the way to sort of manage some of these problems right now. Like, if you can get people to sort of understand that pretty much anything you need or want you can procure in this manner, you know, maybe there's some good, there's, there is good to be done there. So having done done this for a while now, like, what have you learned about consumer buying habits? Because my, you know, I, I told you, I think the first time we met that, you know, it, it being an aging gen Xer, it was conditioned as, you know, a kid to be like, spend, spend, spend. You got 20 bucks in your pocket, you need to spend that now. You know, it was hard for me to even think about secondhand as an option, and now it's what I do, right? Oh, I'm going away this week. I, me go, I need something. Let me go to gear and see if it's on there. Right? So what have you learned from consumer buying habits and sort of the idea of putting secondhand first?

Aaron (19:23):

Yeah. You know, I mean, it's, you know, those are all kind of interesting kind of, you know, topics in terms of, you know, customers and, and, and how they're evolving. You know, I'll, I'll say this, you know, first, you know, ultimately, uh, resale tends to be a fairly young customer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, and there's a lot of reasons for that. Uh, number one is, uh, they've grown up in an environment that I think is more sustainably oriented. Um, so they think sustainability first. Uh, number two, um, you know, if you think about like, the massive things that have happened when, you know, uh, you know, as Gen Z has grown up, right? And Gen Z, you know, uh, is, is fairly young. Um, you know, you have nine 11, you have, uh, you know, you have the 2008 market meltdown. Uh, you have, uh, political strife in the, you know, the late, you know, you know, 20, 2020s, uh, you know, 2019, uh, you know, kind of timeframe.

(20:21) Um, you have a lot of just, you know, dynamics that are shifting and changing. Uh, it's more expensive to buy a home. Inflation is up, right? There's a lot of dynamics that are kind of planned out and people just can't afford, you know, what they, what they used to. And so mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, you know, we internally kind of think, you know, along the lines of, uh, you know, you know, very similar to kind of how World War II was operated in the United States, where, you know, the, the federal government told people like, don't buy stuff, um, you know, save space for the factories, right? So the factories can, can build, you know, uh, their things. Um, you know, there's, there's a lot of similarities in the sense that I think people, especially younger generations, are approaching it from the sense of, you know, like, I can use this for a much longer time period.

(21:11) Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, or, you know, I can go out and find something really cool and find a premium brand, find a premium product, find, use this tool for this thing. Um, it's also open the door for, uh, people to be able to move assets that are in their closet, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's like if you bought this thing, you know, 20 years ago you couldn't resell it, or it was really difficult to resell it. Right? Now, it's like there's resale platforms that help you move cash that is locked up in your closet. Um, you know, and then, you know, on top of that, I think, you know, as, as kind of the younger generation has, has started to, to adopt it, you know, we've seen, you know, older generations start to get in on it too, right? It's like, um, you know, the biggest consumers of, you know, outdoor products tend to be, be between the ages of 30 and 30 and 60, right? Uh, pretty large demographic. Uh, and I think a lot of those people are starting to figure out that, oh, this is a really cool solution for me to, you know, move, move stuff. Uh, it's also a really good solution for me to try a new activity, right? It's like, I want to try skiing. Uh, you know, just to get into skiing is, you know, skis, binding boots, you know, ski. Like if you're gonna go touring skins, right? I mean, right.

Colin (22:28):

And then the apparel that goes with it, right?

Aaron (22:30):

Right. And then the apparel that goes with it, I mean, you're looking at anywhere from, you know, two to 5,000 bucks just to get going. Cycling is the same way, right? Right. I mean, really expensive, you know, luxury items. Uh, and so, you know, what resale is starting to do is it's starting to pull in new customers, pull in new people, uh, that ordinarily maybe wouldn't be able to either afford, uh, the categories or, uh, are really interested in trying something new. And we've created an interesting way for people to be able to try something new. Um, and so for us specifically, I mean, we see, uh, you know, obviously younger gen demographics, uh, perform really, really well, but we're starting to see older demographics start to take hold, uh, which is, which is pretty interesting.

Colin (23:19):

Yeah. I think you told me before, like the, who's the, what's the, the age range that's actually shopping on gear It's, it's remarkably young, isn't it?

Aaron (23:27):

Yeah. So the average, I mean, the average age of our customers is younger than 27, uh, which is pretty wild. Uh,

Colin (23:33):

And the, even like the open rate on your email blast is high as well, right? I mean, so this is almost like, I remember one of your folks told me that it was just like, it's a, it's a, a very, it seems like you have an army that you're kind of cultivating here, people who really believe in what you're doing.

Aaron (23:49):

Yeah. It's, uh, I mean, it's, it's, it's pretty wild in terms of just, you know, again, like, um, there's a reeducation curve that goes on and with younger customers that reeducation just isn't there. They're already thinking about it. They're already, they're already, their mind is already already wrapped around it. Uh, they get it. Uh, and so they utilize it. And, and that's, and that's, uh, a lot of the customer demographic that, that, that we see. There's a lot of demographics that the outdoor industry as a whole has been, you know, has been challenged with for a long time. Right. It's, you know, and, and those demographics, you know, they, you know, they're evolving, they're changing, uh, and they, you know, and as they do, uh, you know, different things become, become more, more important. And, and I think the really interesting thing is that, you know, we've been able to build a, a, you know, a product build a, a service, uh, that is really, you know, engaging kind of, you know, those, those younger groups.

Colin (24:47):

So prior to your current role, you know, you were like, you were, you were sort of on that on the other side of the industry. So now that you've had time where you are, and kind of knowing what you've learned, um, I'm sure you had some passions about this clearly 'cause you got involved in this coming from where you used to be. But at the same time, what, what are your, what are some takeaways? Like how would you, what, what are your learnings, uh, kind of it operating now in this world for as long as you have?

Aaron (25:12):

You know, there's, there's a huge difference between need and want. Uh, and, and I think as consumers, we've been programmed to think, want Yeah. Uh, equal to need. Um, but oftentimes it's, it's not, you know, and I think the really challenging thing is that, you know, me as a consumer, like I'm, you know, I've been guilty of this, right? Where, uh, you know, you buy something, you put it in your closet and it just sits there, right? And then three years later you're cleaning out your closet and you're like, man, like, I never even touched this. Yeah. Like, what, what was I thinking? Right? Um, you know, and I think that there's, there's kind of a reprogramming, re reprogramming that needs to happen where consumers need to start thinking like, need versus want. Like, do I really need this? Or do I just want this?

(25:59) Right? And those, those can be two separate concepts and really difficult concepts. Um, you know, and so, you know, as I've kind of looked as I've kind of gone through my career, you know, and worked, you know, both on the retail side, uh, you know, for backcountry as, as you mentioned, uh, but also on the resale side, you know, one thing that, that, you know, before I kind of moved into, you know, uh, acquiring gear trade and, and, and owning gear trade, uh, was, you know, like I just had so much stuff in my house, uh, and it was really difficult for me to, you know, get, move that stuff, right. And I felt super guilty about it, either going into the landfill or, uh, or, or wherever. And so I tried my best to basically, like, if I had something that, that I wasn't using, I would try to give it away, uh, if I was, you know, to somebody that, that could use it mm-hmm.

(26:50) <affirmative>, um, you know, and, and, and, you know, it's, it's just a, it's a challenging consumer environment where you're just, you know, you're being blasted with ads all the time, right. To buy, buy, buy, buy, buy. Um, you know, and, and, uh, you know, that model like, like growth will continue as long as the population grows, right? Uh, yeah. You know, consumerism will continue as long as, uh, you know, as, as long as, uh, businesses are, are beholden to, uh, shareholders and, and, uh, you know, other dynamics mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, the question is, is that can we operate in that environment in a way that just doesn't destroy everything that we're trying to do? Right? So, uh, you know, I wouldn't say that we are, you know, anti-capitalist or anti consumption. It's, it's really like, is there a sustainable way that we can do this, right? A sustainable way that we can, uh, you know, operate and provide customers, you know, new products, uh, different products, uh, used products, uh, you know, things that, uh, allow them to tackle their adventures, tackle their, uh, their, their needs and desires.

Colin (28:03):

I guess the last and most important thing I wanna ask you is, um, what's your prediction for the Broncos this season?

Aaron (28:09):

Oh my God. <laugh>

Colin (28:12):

Buddy. You got Sean Payton picking fights with the Fano Hackett, you know, Aaron Rogers, I can't wait for hard knocks to start to see if that comes up on there. Is Russell Wilson gonna bounce back?

Aaron (28:21):

<laugh>? Oh dude. Like really?

Colin (28:23):

It's August 7th, it's August 7th. What do we say? We'll check, we'll, we'll have you on again in December and we'll see where we're at.

Aaron (28:29):

Uh, yeah. Yeah. Probably 12 and five, or maybe 13 and four. I, I don't know. Um, for, for people that that know me, people that, uh, you know, they, they like, usually my color scheme is orange and blue. Like I'm a, I am like diehard Broncos fan and have been a diehard Broncos fan for my entire life. Uh, and last season was like a full on kick in the stomach, uh, you know, they

Colin (28:52):

Had from expectations to what actually transpired.

Aaron (28:55):

I, I, you know, I, I, I hope so. I, I really hope, I really hope that Russell Wilson put that together. Uh, he owes it to the city of Denver to put it together. Uh, you know, so

Colin (29:05):

Well, we'll see. And nothing else. You got the nuggets, so that's good.

Aaron (29:09):

Yeah, well, I mean, yeah. Every other, yeah, nuggets 1, 1 1 last year. Obviously the abs won the year before, right?

Colin (29:17):


Aaron (29:17):

Yeah. So don't

Colin (29:18):

Worry about the Rockies, you know, that's fine. You know,

Aaron (29:21):

Dude, the Rockies need an ownership change. Like, that's like another whole nother frustrating thing. It's like, you know, come on the Rockies, the Rockies could be so good, but gosh, they're just the garbage.

Colin (29:34):

You can tell you're a real sports fan 'cause you have a team that just won the N B A championship, you know, the abs won and you're still complaining like good, good sports fans are never satisfied. You're a good, you're a good Colorado fan, sports fan. We can tell <laugh> <laugh>. Alright everybody, so let's look, let's put secondhand first Aaron, thanks so much for coming on, man. Appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (29:54):

Yeah, thanks for having us.

Colin (29:56):

Alright, that's our show for today. I want to feature more about resale and secondhand in a future mailbag episode. So please send your comments and tips for shopping secondhand or maybe why you refuse to shop secondhand to my rock so I can feature your letter on the mailbag episode. Big thanks to my guest today, Aaron Provin. Sure. To head over to gear to get started buying and selling our theme song. Our theme song was composed by Krista Makes. Thank you for checking out this episode of the Rock Fight. I'm Colin True, and the Rock Fight is a production of rock Fight l l c. Welcome the

Speaker 1 (30:33):

Rock fight, rock Fight, rock Fight.


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