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Hurricane Helene's Lasting Impact, Mount Rainier Gets Shorter & Space Is Scary

Wednesdays mean adventure here on THE ROCK FIGHT (an outdoor podcast that aims for the head) and Colin & Justin open the show by celebrating this past Sunday's National Coffee Day with THE ROCK FIGHT's official National Coffee Day Quiz! Because, you know, coffee is our greatest adventure beverage (or something).

So yeah, can you take about 22' off of the top?

Then they discuss the lasting impact of Hurricane Helene, how Mount Rainier's summit has moved and gotten shorter and then react to two new stories to come out of space.

They of course wrap things up with their Parting Shots where Justin encourages good behavior while Colin takes Fox Racing to task.

Donate to Hurricane Helene relief efforts by clicking here!

Links to help via the Appalachian Trail Conservancy!


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Episode Transcript

Chris DeMakes

00:00:00.120 - 00:00:07.490

Rock fight. Rock flight. Rock flight. Rock flight. Rock flight. Rock flight.

Colin True

00:00:08.270 - 00:00:23.090

Welcome to the Rock fight, where we speak our truth, slay sacred cows, and sometimes agree to disagree. This is an outdoor podcast that aims for the head. I'm Colin Truan, joining me today. First he drinks the coffee, and then he does the pod.

It's Justin Housman.

Justin Housman

00:00:23.950 - 00:00:34.380

Good morning, Colin. I thought you were maybe going for some kind of weird. There might be blood reference there, but, like a milkshake sort of deal.

First he drinks the coffee, then he.

Colin True

00:00:34.760 - 00:00:35.272


Justin Housman

00:00:35.336 - 00:00:35.872

I don't know.

Colin True

00:00:35.936 - 00:00:38.060

Is that the line? Is that when he talks about the milkshake?

Justin Housman

00:00:39.280 - 00:00:40.696

Maybe not. I can't remember.

Colin True

00:00:40.808 - 00:00:41.968

It's a first movie, though.

Justin Housman

00:00:42.024 - 00:00:43.576

Maybe not. I've only seen it once.

Colin True

00:00:43.608 - 00:01:16.450

Me too. But really good. Well, hey, before we get today's show, we got a few housekeeping reminders for you.

Please follow and rate the Rock fight wherever you're listening on any podcast app, your favorite podcast app. Even. Leave us that five star rating and click follow. And hey, are you following our other podcasts on the Rock Fight podcast network.

It's called Gear and Beer. Last week, Justin rated gear as over, under or properly rated. You can follow and you can rate gear and beer.

It's only ever properly, though, when you rate gear and beer. Wherever you're listening to the rock fight. And Justin, if any of our listeners would like to reach out to us, you know, what should they do?

Justin Housman

00:01:17.150 - 00:01:20.942

How come the notes don't have Instagram on here, Colin?

Colin True

00:01:21.046 - 00:01:30.538

Oh, I'll add it, right, because I copied and pasted it from another outline and forgot Instagram. Yeah, it's on there now.

Justin Housman

00:01:30.594 - 00:01:54.512

While he's filling out. While he's filling out that on the Google Doc that we share, folks, you can email you can visit us over on Instagram.

Occite Co. That'sockfight. Co. And you should very, very soon go to our website and join the mailing list to get our newsletter. It comes out every Sunday.

Uh, it's the best outdoor newsletter you're gonna get.

Colin True

00:01:54.576 - 00:01:55.344

Oh, hi.

Justin Housman

00:01:55.432 - 00:02:14.464

Since I stopped writing the ones for Adventure Journal. Um, but following, you know, other than that, this is the one. This is the one you want. It's really fun. Nice, nice little Sunday afternoon.

Like, if maybe comes out, like, while you're taking a break from morning and afternoon football games, you read, uh, you read this, or if you don't watch football, that's fine. You have more time to read it. But either way, join the mailing list.

Colin True

00:02:14.592 - 00:02:26.884

Well, I wanted to kick things off because despite the fact that I'm morally opposed to daily.

The daily national holidays, like, you know, every single day there's a different, like, apparently it was like, national, like, daughter's day last week. Sure, yeah.

Justin Housman

00:02:26.932 - 00:02:28.588

National donut Day. Happens all.

Colin True

00:02:28.644 - 00:02:47.652

Every day's got a day. I hate those things. But I'm morally in favor of coffee and the role coffee plays in our outdoorsy lifestyles. I know you're a coffee enthusiast also.

So yesterday, Sunday the 29th, when we're recording this, obviously on Monday the 30th, it was National Coffee Day. And so, Justin, I want to know, are you ready to take the rock fights official national coffee day quiz?

Justin Housman

00:02:47.836 - 00:02:54.260

I don't know if you can ever be ready for something like this. I am caffeinated, so that seems important. I have coffee breath. That seems good.

Colin True

00:02:54.340 - 00:02:59.700

I think we've talked about you're a sister and you're an official beer expert. Certified. And I think you would choose coffee over beer.

Justin Housman

00:02:59.820 - 00:03:01.116

What do you mean? In what situation?

Colin True

00:03:01.188 - 00:03:03.028

Meaning you can only have one for the rest of your life.

Justin Housman

00:03:03.084 - 00:03:22.198

Oh, God. Geez. God, no. I don't know. I'd probably. I think I'd choose beer. I enjoy beer more than I like. I have to have coffee. Yeah, I don't have to have beer.

I just really like it.

Colin True

00:03:22.214 - 00:03:24.238

That's my point. This is why coffee wins.

Justin Housman

00:03:24.414 - 00:03:46.158

Yeah, I guess you're right. But I feel like. You know what, though?

You know how sometimes you're sick for, like, three days and you, like, don't drink coffee and it's, like, fine? Like, I think. I think. I have a feeling if I just quit cold turkey, it would be a really rough couple days, and then I'd just be okay.

I mean, I could obviously do it with beer, even though I drink too much, but I can. Yeah. I feel like. I feel like if I could replace coffee with, like, this is really entertaining.

Colin True

00:03:46.174 - 00:03:47.590

To watch you work through these emotions.

Justin Housman

00:03:47.630 - 00:04:01.016

I'm thinking about it. I take these questions so seriously. Like, this is not hypothetical.

Like, in my mind, there's like, a gun to my head, and I'm having to figure it out right now. Like, that's how serious I'm taking this question. I think I'd probably say I'd rather have beer, but it would be tough. Yeah.

Colin True

00:04:01.168 - 00:04:01.544


Justin Housman

00:04:01.592 - 00:04:11.216

Like, nothing can replace. To me, like, afternoon, you had, like, a long day, and you're relaxing with a beer. I mean, nothing can beat that.

I mean, hot coffee in the morning's great, but I feel like I could find a replacement.

Colin True

00:04:11.248 - 00:04:16.296

Yeah, that's how I feel. About coffee in the morning, like. Cause I don't get headaches if I don't drink it. If I miss it, it's fine.

Justin Housman

00:04:16.488 - 00:04:17.780

You just never miss it.

Colin True

00:04:18.360 - 00:04:19.440

Well, that's mostly true.

Justin Housman

00:04:19.480 - 00:04:24.388

You'll get headaches if you just always drink it. I get headaches in the afternoon, have my 03:00 coffee.

Colin True

00:04:24.524 - 00:04:26.412

I don't get withdrawal symptoms.

Justin Housman

00:04:26.596 - 00:04:30.668

It's great. I'm just always doing meth. I don't miss it at all.

Colin True

00:04:30.764 - 00:04:38.132

But if I. There's a lot of days I plan, like, oh, I should have a beer today, then I just don't. And I don't really care.

But if I don't have coffee in the morning, it's like, oh, God, I gotta go have some coffee. So.

Justin Housman

00:04:38.196 - 00:04:38.836

Yeah, no, you're right.

Colin True

00:04:38.868 - 00:04:40.764

Having coffee, but, yeah, I don't want.

Justin Housman

00:04:40.772 - 00:04:43.316

To have to ever face that. So let's just pretend that that's never.

Colin True

00:04:43.348 - 00:04:44.260

Have this have this happen.

Justin Housman

00:04:44.300 - 00:04:45.012

Yeah. Yeah.

Colin True

00:04:45.036 - 00:04:48.800

Well. So, Justin, do you know why National Coffee day is held on September 29?

Justin Housman

00:04:49.380 - 00:04:51.708

Oh, my gosh. No. Good question. Okay.

Colin True

00:04:51.724 - 00:04:56.812

Well, it's the day that the US received its first shipment of coffee ever. Huh.

Justin Housman

00:04:56.916 - 00:04:58.228

I guess I could have guessed that.

Colin True

00:04:58.364 - 00:05:06.036

Here's where you can take a real good guess. Like, what year do you think that was? I'll give you a hint. The United States was not officially recognized as a country.

Justin Housman

00:05:06.228 - 00:05:15.436

Okay. I was gonna say, it's probably, like, your first thought is gonna be, well, we drank tea back then.

Maybe we didn't get it till, like, this could be those things where it's, like, way later than you'd think.

Colin True

00:05:15.548 - 00:05:19.564

I would have said, like, 18 something. I would have said 1800. So it's pre revolutionary war.

Justin Housman

00:05:19.732 - 00:05:23.964

I mean, honestly, I think. Let's go, like, 1712.

Colin True

00:05:24.132 - 00:05:25.972

Pretty close. 1723.

Justin Housman

00:05:26.156 - 00:05:26.516


Colin True

00:05:26.548 - 00:05:27.680

That's a good guess.

Justin Housman

00:05:28.980 - 00:05:30.900

I do have a master's degree in american history.

Colin True

00:05:30.940 - 00:05:34.140

Colin, do you know what country that the beans came from in 1723?

Justin Housman

00:05:34.220 - 00:05:36.068

Probably Africa. Somewhere in Africa.

Colin True

00:05:36.124 - 00:05:38.188

It would be a good guess. Brazil, though, actually.

Justin Housman

00:05:38.244 - 00:05:55.290

Brazil. All right. I was. Yeah. Like, I don't know how long it took for that to, like. Of course. People have been growing coffee down there forever.

Yeah, that's okay. Yeah. I also was like, what's easier to get? Like, it's easier to get. Well, Brazil makes sense. I'm thinking, like, most of Latin America.

I'm like, well, it's probably easier to get to from Africa to the states.

Colin True

00:05:55.590 - 00:06:05.958

What number out of five? What out of five. So however many out of five Americans drink caffeinated coffee. So five Americans drink caffeinated.

Justin Housman

00:06:05.974 - 00:06:19.972

Gotta be three. I gotta be three and five. Wait, wait, does this mean, like, pure light? Like, if you drink coffee, does how many drink caffeinated coffee?

Or just generally speaking, if you're an american, you have a three and a. Like, I would say three out of five Americans drink caffeinated coffee, I would guess.

Colin True

00:06:20.076 - 00:06:22.012

Yeah, it's four out of five, but, yeah, that's the.

Justin Housman

00:06:22.116 - 00:06:23.252

Wow. Okay. Yeah.

Colin True

00:06:23.316 - 00:06:26.800

And then same question, but how many out of five, like, sugar in their coffee?

Justin Housman

00:06:27.380 - 00:06:28.244

Four out of five.

Colin True

00:06:28.332 - 00:06:33.372

Two. I was actually impressed by that. There's more black coffee out there. Yeah, right.

Justin Housman

00:06:33.516 - 00:06:35.788

What do you. What do you do? What's your straight black coffee?

Colin True

00:06:35.844 - 00:06:40.676

Yeah. Yeah. And last question. Is coffee awesome coffee?

Justin Housman

00:06:40.828 - 00:06:42.920

Yeah. I mean, yeah, it's pretty awesome.

Colin True

00:06:43.300 - 00:06:45.240

Not as good as beer, apparently.

Justin Housman

00:06:45.770 - 00:06:52.746

I don't know. I mean, I enjoy them both so much, but I do feel like I get more actual enjoyment when I'm having a beer. Like, I rarely look forward to coffee.

Colin True

00:06:52.898 - 00:07:25.750

All right, well, before we get into some headlines, this is normally where we promote our pals at Darby, our PR friends in Asheville, North Carolina. And, yeah, they are based in Asheville. And if you've been paying attention, things are a little rough in western North Carolina right now.

So we just want to ask the rock flight listeners out there, if you have the means, if you can help out, please head over to FEMA dot Gov, and there's a whole list of links where you can donate to help out with relief from Hurricane Helene. So we love our pals at Darby. We hope everybody's doing well out there. And please help out if you can, if you haven't.

Justin Housman

00:07:27.930 - 00:08:23.874

I don't know, the news is so fractured these days. It's like you look at what you're interested in and kind of ignore what you're not.

But I hadn't realized how hard Asheville had been hit until this morning. And obviously Asheville is a pretty big, you know, it's one of America's, like, kind of cornerstone sort of adventure towns or outdoor towns.

It's a hub for sure. And so I guarantee there's people listening to this from Asheville, probably in Asheville, if they can.

Obviously we have friends, I'm sure I have online friends I don't even know that live in Asheville, you know. But, yeah, like, I mean, it's worth. It's worth kind of looking at some of the stuff that's coming out of there.

I mean, like, I was kind of horrified this morning.

A friend of mine showed me some footage of streets that are just like, washed away and like entire blocks that are basically just like silt at this point. And so anyway, yeah, check it out. If you can help out, please do.

But we're, if you're, if you're in Nashville, if you're associated with Asheville at all, our, you know, our hearts go out to you guys today. It's ruts. I don't even know where to begin.

Colin True

00:08:24.002 - 00:09:20.602

Well, speaking of Hurricane Helene and closures, you know, appalachian trail hikers, this is from the trek Co, are being advised to skip right now the first 865 miles of the 2121 hundred mile classic trailhead because basically the entire southern portion of the trail after Hurricane Helene is, I would say it's wiped out, but basically that entire section of the trail you wanna avoid at this point, the town of Hot Springs, which is at mile 275, has been flooded. The town of Irwin, Tennessee, at mile 345 has been evacuated.

Probably a lot more towns have been evacuated since I updated the story over the weekend. And the town of Damascus, Virginia, that far north, mile 471, is also experiencing flooding.

So, yeah, basically the entire southern Appalachians have experienced some form of flooding or impact from the store storm. So I mean, obviously trail access is pretty trivial when compared to the total impact of this historic storm.

I got to think there's going to be some long term implications to hikers on the, at even stretching into next year.

Justin Housman

00:09:20.786 - 00:09:35.418

Oh, for sure. I mean, think about, you know, around here, you know, if it's even slightly above average in terms of like a like, storm kind of violence.

You know, like trees are down everywhere, trails are messed up, or just winter out there, right?

Colin True

00:09:35.434 - 00:09:38.514

I mean, you live in a relatively stormy, generally speaking.

Justin Housman

00:09:38.562 - 00:10:04.894

Like there's a regular storm with like a little maybe, you know, a little windier than normal and it's just, it's like chaos. So I can't even imagine. And there's probably entire sections of trail that are gone. I mean, I've saw footage of somewhere in the, in the southeast.

I don't know where it was the other day on, on probably an instagram reel and it was raining really hard and it's like looking up like a sloped hillside, you know, I would say like 15% to 20%. Not crazy steep, but pretty steep. Just like a grassy hillside. And it's like, it's a land water avalanche.

Colin True

00:10:04.942 - 00:10:06.182

Like all of a sudden, oh, I saw that.

Justin Housman

00:10:06.206 - 00:10:21.832

The trees start shaking and it's like, holy shit, that is terrifying. I've never seen anything like that before.

I mean, that, I mean, it was like, it was, I mean, that must have been moving like 80 miles an hour, like when it comes rushing past the camera. So if there's a trail anywhere in a situation like that, it's gone, you know?

Colin True

00:10:21.896 - 00:10:38.486

So it's a really good point. I mean, yeah.

You think any place I've lived where they get some semblance of winter, if you go out in the spring, whether it's on a bike you're hiking or running or whatever, you're gonna come across down trees or just branches that are down, fell down over the winter or something like that. So something like this. I just. I can't imagine. I mean, if you're planning an at through hike for next anytime now.

Justin Housman

00:10:38.518 - 00:10:54.494

I mean, it got a lot shorter. Maybe I could probably pick it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you got to think that, like, they're not even going to get.

I mean, so even if, say, there's not another major tropical storm that comes through the rest of the season, I mean, the winter is so.

Colin True

00:10:54.542 - 00:10:54.726


Justin Housman

00:10:54.758 - 00:11:08.928

Like, this is going to complicate anything they were going to already be able to do to, like, clear trails over the winter. So I got to think, like, next spring, it's probably.

I mean, unless there's a herculean effort to, like, get out there and clean it, maybe there will be. You gotta think that, like, next spring is still gonna be pretty closed.

Colin True

00:11:09.064 - 00:11:19.160

I've been pretty bad. I'm not really spending a lot of time volunteering on, like, trail crews, but I will happily go out and use trails.

And I spend very little time volunteering.

Justin Housman

00:11:19.200 - 00:11:23.000

My time getting mad that it's not getting mad that there's, like, a tree in the way. Like, somebody needs to come fix this.

Colin True

00:11:23.040 - 00:11:57.640

But I would say, you know, this would be the time if you're in that area. And even if you're someone like me who has not done a lot with that, now's the time to give your time. Right. I mean, and not just in the at.

I'm sure there's plenty of state parks and other places where there's gonna be a huge amount of cleanup required. You know, we're talking about right now, we're talking about Asheville, and they're cut off from, like, water and power.

And I'm sure the next couple of weeks are going to be very rough from that point of view. But then, yeah, this is going to really linger. So this is the time now of anybody out there.

Maybe we could find some resources to put in the show notes or talk about in a future episode of people who want to give their time to get the adventure community back on their feet.

Justin Housman

00:11:58.420 - 00:12:09.736

Do you ever ride like with any kind of knife or anything to like potentially, or like a little mini saw to like. I carry minigun trees on the trail just case a predator shows up.

Colin True

00:12:09.768 - 00:12:10.620

You never know.

Justin Housman

00:12:14.360 - 00:12:18.976

Just case you have to like attach it to the roof of a. Or the open door of a Huey helicopter.

Colin True

00:12:19.048 - 00:12:21.264

That's how I mountain bike with the helicopter and a minigun.

Justin Housman

00:12:21.312 - 00:12:30.768

I keep. I'll show it to you.

Not that anyone else on the podcast can see it, but I keep this like little handsaw by my bike area to remind me to bring it, which I never do.

Colin True

00:12:30.904 - 00:12:34.352

In case you come across something that's down across the track, there's always like.

Justin Housman

00:12:34.376 - 00:12:40.878

Branches down or like a tree trunk down and, you know, like, people bring that stuff to like, deal with the trail and I never even think about it.

Colin True

00:12:40.934 - 00:13:53.046

I mean, I'm pretty. I'll get off my bike and move stuff if it's like, if there's a branch down and even if it's small, like, just ask somebody.

I know a million people are going to ride by this and not do anything about it, but you're right, it's like, it's.

Especially if you're carrying a backpack or have a bag on your bike, like, yeah, a small little hand saw would be a great idea to bring for when these things happen. Yep. But anyway, anyway, we're thinking of you, North Carolina and the rest of the southeast. It's going to be.

We'll probably be talking about this well into next year. Next story.

According to Gear Junkie, a survey on Mount Rainier in Washington has shown that the true summit has shifted from the Columbia crest, which has been the summit of Mount Rainier forever, to a rocky spot about 500 horizontal feet from the Columbia crest. This shows how 22ft of ice has melted to create the new summit since the last time it was measured in 1998.

And while this change will have, it'll have very little impact on those looking to summit the volcano. Um, you know, the change of the glaciers on the mountain will likely result in the upper part of the mountain becoming more dangerous to climb.

Yeah, I know that climate change is bad.

Uh, but what I'd like to start by saying is that anyone who climbs the mountain now, well, you know, you kind of suck it because I summited the mountain when it was taller. I got 410ft on you. So, uh, that was in 2006. So there you go. I'm the world's best mountaineer.

Justin Housman

00:13:53.118 - 00:14:18.934

That's, that's all that matters. I, as a person who doesn't, like, climb mountains? I'm all, I love these kinds of stories.

Not, not because of the climate change aspect, but the fact that like, like true summits aren't always so obvious. I just think that's amazing. You know, like 22ft, that's a pretty significant change, right? That's, that's pretty terrifying, actually.

I mean, I feel like that's noticeable. Like, if you've been up there more than once, you'd be like, oh, yeah, this is different.

Colin True

00:14:19.102 - 00:14:26.990

They know the guides who summit that like 1015 times a summer. Right. And now it's like, well, we used to stand over there when the summit. When we did the summit, now we stand here.

Justin Housman

00:14:27.150 - 00:14:49.146

I mean, that's also probably kind of. Obviously that's always been the case. I mean, we. It's just not supposed to happen that quickly. I mean, it's.

I don't know if you like, start to try to get super weird about things and try to imagine mountain ranges in geological time. I mean, obviously they're changing all the time. So, I mean, no matter what, in like 250 years. 250,000 years is probably more accurate.

Like, it will look slightly different, radically different.

Colin True

00:14:49.218 - 00:14:53.150

Explodes three times between the times over that time period. No, it's true.

Justin Housman

00:14:53.450 - 00:15:23.320

I just wrote a little piece about this thing called Mount Thor. Have you ever heard of Mount Thor? There's a lot of Mount Thor, but there's like a very specific. There's like one in.

On Baffin island in Canada that's kind of well known. It looks like you prompted AI to make a mountain that looks like a terrifying wave. Kind of. It's radical.

It's like half dome stretched out and made to look really mean from certain. There's certain angles where it really looks incredible. I'm looking it up, but it doesn't look real.

Colin True

00:15:24.900 - 00:15:26.246

Look at that thing.

Justin Housman

00:15:26.428 - 00:15:26.746


Colin True

00:15:26.778 - 00:15:32.098

Yeah, that's like, that's like, that's mount doom. And the Lord of the Rings is terrifying.

Justin Housman

00:15:32.274 - 00:15:50.106

And that's in the area where, like, everything is exactly. Well, it's. It's like inuit word is like tooth. Like what the name is for, but.

And like everything around there is all named for like, asgardian things, you know, which is pretty cool. But anyway, the reason I brought that up though is it's also called. It's also called the fastest growing peak in the world.

Colin True

00:15:50.178 - 00:15:50.530

Oh, wow.

Justin Housman

00:15:50.570 - 00:16:02.038

Just because of, um, just natural activity in the area. It grows like a centimeter a year. Like it's pretty fast, which is. That's f. I mean, like, Everest is changing.

I think Everest is getting higher every year.

Colin True

00:16:02.054 - 00:16:04.390

It goes like, I can't centimeter or something, whatever it is. Yeah.

Justin Housman

00:16:04.430 - 00:16:10.810

This is. This one is like. Grows faster than anywhere else in the world, and it's. Which is also, by the way, an absolutely bonkers thing to know.

Colin True

00:16:11.190 - 00:16:13.198

Right? Just the fact that we know that.

Justin Housman

00:16:13.374 - 00:16:32.746

How? I have no idea how.

I guess GPS, like, super good gps, but otherwise, like, when the world, like, you're not running a tape from the top to the bottom. But that's. That's. Yeah. You. You. Well, yeah, you're officially. No matter who climbs Rainier after you. Yep. You've definitely climbed it? More of it.

I guess, technically speaking, I've climbed more of that mountain.

Colin True

00:16:32.858 - 00:16:36.938

But I guess we're just accepting this as our new normal. I mean, think with the hurricane we just talked about and then, like, how.

Justin Housman

00:16:36.954 - 00:16:37.810

The story is like, this.

Colin True

00:16:37.850 - 00:16:39.650

This is it. This is just the way it is, right?

Justin Housman

00:16:39.730 - 00:17:08.332

We are. We are like, whoever came up with the metaphor of the frog in the. In the boiling pot is like. That's probably.

That's probably the most accurate metaphor in history, right? It has to be. I mean, we are so there at this point. I mean, what would it take?

I mean, for God's sake, dude, like, remember, like, two years ago when there was hearings at the Pentagon about UFO's and people were like, I don't know, maybe. Sure. Like. Like, I don't. At this point, we're willing to, like, whatever. Yeah. All right. You know, like, did you see that.

Colin True

00:17:08.356 - 00:17:09.600

Tick tock I sent you?

Justin Housman

00:17:13.900 - 00:17:20.189

Yeah. And it's. It's just like, I don't. It's. It's. I don't. The frog. It's not like we don't know.

Colin True

00:17:20.309 - 00:17:20.925


Justin Housman

00:17:21.077 - 00:17:27.197

The frog in the boiling pot, I think maybe does know what's happening. It's just like, what? This is nice. I don't want. What am I going to do?

Colin True

00:17:27.253 - 00:17:30.209

It felt so good a few minutes ago. Maybe if I wait, it'll get better.

Justin Housman

00:17:30.509 - 00:17:53.682


I mean, like, there's all sorts of stuff right now about how northern California is, like, prepped for, like, a massive fire season in October because it's supposed to get real hot next. This week and next week and all that sort of stuff. And it's like. I also don't know. Like, isn't this how it's kind of always been? Like. It's.

It's like knowing a mountain is a centimeter taller. It's like. Well, it's kind of always been like this. I guess it's a little worse, you know? But, yeah, I don't know at this point.

I don't know what would shock me anymore weather wise. I really don't.

Colin True

00:17:53.746 - 00:18:09.074

Yeah. This episode of the Rock Flight is brought to you by the great Malden Outdoors, an outdoor enablement campaign in the city of Malden, Massachusetts.

And the brains behind this initiative, Darren Jose. He's here with me right now. Darren, first of all, what is an outdoor enablement campaign?

Darren Josey

00:18:09.202 - 00:18:19.830

An outdoor enablement campaign provides four things. Advertising, resources, programming and youth development.

These are the four things that I believe are really important to getting more people outside.

Colin True

00:18:19.990 - 00:18:23.422

So why is this campaign important to DEI efforts in the outdoor industry?

Darren Josey

00:18:23.526 - 00:18:50.378

We have to start by getting more people outside. And that can start their journey from, one, becoming someone who just enjoys outdoor recreation as a lifestyle. But two, a path for a job.

No one told me that going outside and rock climbing could lead to a job one day, or fishing or bike riding. Didn't know that was a thing until I got into the industry.

And I want to change that and start that journey a lot earlier for way more people in our society.

Colin True

00:18:50.474 - 00:18:53.922

Hey, man. And lastly, how can outdoor brands and retailers help or participate?

Darren Josey

00:18:54.026 - 00:19:12.018

Go to, click on the Contact button and reach out. We are always looking for donations for gear, funds and expertise. You can lend your existing staff to lead an online course.

Or if you're in the New England area, come on down and lead a class. We're looking for more programming.

Colin True

00:19:12.074 - 00:19:53.554

Head to the great Malden outdoors, and click contact to build a partnership today.

I was excited about this because I know we've talked about some space stuff before on the show, and we both like talking about space stuff we do there. There are two sports stories from explorers web this week.

The first was scientists have spotted two giant plasma jets streaming from a massive black hole measuring 23 light years in length. So that's the equivalent to 140 Milky Way galaxies long. And they've been around since the universe was only 6.3 billion years old.

And I don't know why, but this was absolutely terrifying to me to think about that. So our galaxy, the Milky Way, you stack 23 of them in a row.

Justin Housman

00:19:53.642 - 00:19:53.866


Colin True

00:19:53.898 - 00:20:01.510

That's what this plasma jet shooting out of a black hole is. I don't even understand what most of this is. It just sounds really scary. There should be a horror movie made about this.

Justin Housman

00:20:02.250 - 00:20:10.226

So remember the scene at the very end of men in black when the aliens are playing marbles with like.

Colin True

00:20:10.298 - 00:20:11.530

Yeah. Like the very, very end.

Justin Housman

00:20:11.570 - 00:20:11.738


Colin True

00:20:11.754 - 00:20:12.106

Like the last.

Justin Housman

00:20:12.138 - 00:20:17.914

Yeah. That's like our. That's like the. Like. That's like the Milky Way is like in a marble, right? I mean, that's obviously what, like, we're.

Colin True

00:20:17.962 - 00:20:20.010

Clearly, like, with you on this.

Justin Housman

00:20:20.050 - 00:20:21.634

Planets are atoms or something, right?

Colin True

00:20:21.722 - 00:20:26.470

Yeah, we are. Like, what's the small? We're smaller than atoms.

Justin Housman

00:20:26.930 - 00:20:43.532

I mean, clearly, like, it's gotta be like, the planet is like an atom. And, like, if you, like, somehow got small enough with, like, an electron microscope, you would be like, oh, wow. That's, like, fuck.

There's, like, even smaller ones. And somehow you get a bigger microscope and you realize that there's, like, things flying around in them, and you go, okay, all right. It has to be.

Colin True

00:20:43.596 - 00:20:50.196

Is it like, Horton hears a who. Where? Like, where the. Who's on the flower, you know, being, like, carried around by an elephant. You know what I mean?

Justin Housman

00:20:50.308 - 00:20:51.700

You know, I've actually never read that one.

Colin True

00:20:51.740 - 00:20:52.212

Oh, it's good.

Justin Housman

00:20:52.236 - 00:20:54.124

Which is weird. Cause I have two little kids in the house.

Colin True

00:20:54.212 - 00:20:56.988

The adaptation of it's great, which Jim Carrey plays Horton. Really good.

Justin Housman

00:20:57.044 - 00:20:59.140

Sounds terrifying. It sounds like that would be freaky, too.

Colin True

00:20:59.180 - 00:21:01.196

Oh, it's really good. I think your kids would like it.

Justin Housman

00:21:01.268 - 00:21:07.120

That was my favorite. We've talked about space on the show before because to me, it's like, there's nothing more adventurous. I mean, it's pretty fucking rad.

Colin True

00:21:07.200 - 00:21:07.440


Justin Housman

00:21:07.480 - 00:21:18.864

And so it's like.

It's weird that, like, this somehow would be different than, like, some massive, like, volcano going off somewhere, which we would totally talk about. Every outdoor. Every outdoor, you know, publication would cover it. But, like, this is very outdoor.

Colin True

00:21:18.952 - 00:21:19.700

This is.

Justin Housman

00:21:20.520 - 00:21:58.206

And it's also just, like, anything that reminds you that this is all subject to the whim of, like, a universe that you cannot possibly fucking comprehend, is why. I mean, like, that there's very. Any point.

Any point we can start getting, like, you know, sort of some message from the president, like, well, we just discovered this, like, plasma jet that's apparently been hurtling toward us for the last 15 billion years. Well, I don't think the galaxy is not that old, or the universe might not be that old, but anyway, you know, whatever. Like, yeah, and it's.

Unfortunately, it's gonna hit us tomorrow. Like, hug your pets.

Colin True

00:21:58.238 - 00:22:02.204

Yeah, it was a good run, everybody. You get to be here for the end of the world.

Justin Housman

00:22:02.252 - 00:22:25.156

This is the. This is. This is not Germane necessarily, to this conversation, but, like, I was having a big, long chat with my wife yesterday about AI.

She kind of, you know, in her job, she deals with. With kind of what is going. Coming with AI all the time?

And the only thing I can think of all the time is, like, you know, the sun is still going to, like, the earth is not for, like, no matter what we do, we're gone. Like, you can't. What are we doing here?

Colin True

00:22:25.188 - 00:22:27.924

We have to go populate another world is the only way I get, I guess.

Justin Housman

00:22:27.972 - 00:22:34.112

But, like, even then, so what? Like, what? Like, just can't you. Doesn't that seem. At a certain point, that seems. Seems totally fucking insane to me.

Colin True

00:22:34.176 - 00:22:42.536


If you said, hey, we can go, like, send a probe to discover another planet that the human race could live on, or we can solve, like, homelessness, I'd be like, yeah, homelessness, let's go.

Justin Housman

00:22:42.688 - 00:22:46.568

Or we could just have. Or we could just have, like, have mai tais and accept that, like, life is finite.

Colin True

00:22:46.664 - 00:22:47.392


Justin Housman

00:22:47.576 - 00:22:55.312

Yeah, it's like, that's. You know, can I choose that option? Cause, like, it just seems crazy. Like, no wonder we're so messed up. It's like, you can't accept.

Colin True

00:22:55.416 - 00:23:11.140

When we first. Before we started recording, we're talking about where we are in life, what's going on, and this is stressing us out or whatever. It's like.

And then you think, read about the 23 light year long plasma jet coming out of a black hole. It's like, you know, actually, I got to go for a hike today. How bummed out am I right now? Like, we're doing okay, you know?

Justin Housman

00:23:11.220 - 00:23:13.868

Yeah, it's wild. Well, what's the other side?

Colin True

00:23:13.884 - 00:23:28.892

Well, the good segue to the other story.

Cause last week, physicists in New Mexico show that x rays resulting in a nuclear blast could be enough to alter the trajectory of a planet killing asteroid. So if something did come shooting, if the president did, you know, come and say, hey, you know, okay.

Justin Housman

00:23:28.956 - 00:23:30.996

Asteroids coming. Yeah. Yeah.

Colin True

00:23:31.188 - 00:23:37.104

I just want to know, what does this mean if we can actually do this? What does this mean for the legacy of both deep impact and armageddon?

Justin Housman

00:23:37.232 - 00:23:51.232

Well, there's probably corollaries here, right, with movies where there was, like, some sort of horrible calamity, and we've solved it, but now it turns out in reality, like, in modern age, that calamity wouldn't be an issue anymore. There has to be. There has to be movie like. This has to be a thing.

Colin True

00:23:51.296 - 00:23:55.944

Well, now we're getting to get new movies where we're going to use. They're going to send you.

Justin Housman

00:23:55.992 - 00:24:02.778

That's where. That's too big for a nuke to knock out. Now what? Now we got to find. Well, Bruce. Bruce Willis dead. I.

Colin True

00:24:02.944 - 00:24:04.382

No, but he's not probably.

Justin Housman

00:24:04.446 - 00:24:05.222

He's, like, not doing well.

Colin True

00:24:05.246 - 00:24:06.086

He's not doing well.

Justin Housman

00:24:06.198 - 00:24:07.686

So we're not setting him up.

Colin True

00:24:07.878 - 00:24:32.116

No, that's still, like, the best, apparently, the. The. The Armageddon commentary where I think Ben Affleck is on it. He might. He may have been having a few drinks beforehand, apparently.

And he's, like, just kind of ripping the movie to shreds with Michael Bay there. It's apparently the question of, like, wait a minute.

It was better just to train miners to go be astronauts than it was to train astronauts to go be miners. It's brilliant.

Justin Housman

00:24:32.148 - 00:24:32.700

So insane.

Colin True

00:24:32.780 - 00:24:33.840

Don't ask questions.

Justin Housman

00:24:34.620 - 00:24:54.844

I mean, asteroids are pretty sweet. I mean, like, I'll be. I'll be, you know, I'll be in here, like, writing some story about, like, hiking boots or something.

And my wife will be in the other room having a conversation with someone at NASA about, like, moon mining or, like, asteroid mining. So, like, this. I mean, that's, like, people are really trying to figure this sort of stuff out. Like, we might be mining on asteroids in our lifetime.

Colin True

00:24:54.892 - 00:24:59.692

Yeah, well, they landed something on an asteroid and then sent it back to Earth and collected samples from it not that long ago.

Justin Housman

00:24:59.716 - 00:25:01.930

That's such a bad idea. Yeah, but such a bad idea.

Colin True

00:25:02.050 - 00:25:14.450

But this is where the science.

The idea that we can do stuff like this is pretty awesome and that we know that we actually did land something on a moving asteroid in space, collected samples, then launched it back to Earth and retrieved those samples.

Justin Housman

00:25:14.570 - 00:25:21.330

To your point about these people, like, the. These are, like, the killian journeys of the science world, where they're, like, we. This is physically possible. Let's try to do it.

Colin True

00:25:21.330 - 00:25:22.266

Let's try and do it.

Justin Housman

00:25:22.418 - 00:25:28.418

Yeah. And there's. I mean, I don't know. Not necessarily sure there's a reason, but, you know, we can. So let's do it.

Colin True

00:25:28.514 - 00:25:40.586

Well, all right, so what do we got? We did. We had hurricanes and climate change. Mount Rainier, shorter. And black holes and nuclear weapons on asteroids scare us. I think we kind of.

I think we kind of covered it all today.

Justin Housman

00:25:40.778 - 00:25:42.322

Anything pleasant happened in the outdoors?

Colin True

00:25:42.346 - 00:25:49.434

I don't know. I felt like those would be fun time. I guess there's a lot of death and gloom. My bad. I assembled the topics. Didn't seem like a lot to talk about.

Now to Kembe Mutumbo.

Justin Housman

00:25:49.602 - 00:25:58.358

Well, I mean, obviously, it's literally horrible and also unfortunate for us that, like, you know, the hurricane thing really, like, kind of stole the show this week.

Colin True

00:25:58.414 - 00:26:01.382

Yeah. Well, I think it's time for the parting shot.

Chris DeMakes

00:26:01.446 - 00:26:08.662

It's time to end. It's time to leave this place that town forgot let's take our rock and.

Colin True

00:26:08.726 - 00:26:11.470

Head on home it's time for our.

Justin Housman

00:26:11.510 - 00:26:13.886

Part and shout who's first?

Colin True

00:26:14.078 - 00:26:15.090

You go first.

Justin Housman

00:26:15.630 - 00:26:34.250

Okay, so this is actually gonna apply real nicely to what we've just been talking about. And it's not so much a parting shot. I guess it kind of is a parting shot. And you know what? It is? Just be nice and. Just be nice and wave in traffic.

Just be nice and just wave. That's it. I guess the party shot is. Parting shot is don't be not nice.

Colin True

00:26:34.710 - 00:26:35.310


Justin Housman

00:26:35.390 - 00:27:26.798

Just. It is. I'm just. I just, like, just. Just give a wave. Just get, like, if someone lets you in, give them a wave.

If someone lets you over, give them a wave. Let's just all. Let's just. Can we just do that? That's. That's all I'm asking for. I've just been.

There's been a lot of, like, uh, just sort of, I don't know, entitled driving around here lately that I've seen, and I just. I just. It's so easy to be nice. It's just so dang easy.

I got yelled at by the, by the crossing guard the other day because I pushed the button to cross the street, and he apparently had already let a bunch of cars go by. He was, like, waiting for them, like, letting the. Letting more cars go by before he stopped the traffic again.

And they have my two little girls on the bike with me, and he's like, hey, man, don't do that. I'm like, don't do what? Like, what are you even talking? It took me a minute to rose what he meant, just be nice. Doesn't it be in the car?

It could be anywhere. Just be nice, you know? Just don't be mean. That's my parting shot.

Colin True

00:27:26.854 - 00:27:33.686

I think it's a great parting shot. And I. And I co sign it, although I did. I was on the phone with you while you were in traffic trying to get to the beach the other day.

Justin Housman

00:27:33.758 - 00:27:36.438

And they can't hear me. Those people can't hear me.

Colin True

00:27:36.454 - 00:27:42.570

Your party shot weeks ago. Don't honk your horn and settle down at traffic. You were yelling and honking your horn. It was quite.

Justin Housman

00:27:43.070 - 00:28:00.536

This is what surfing does to you. I'm like, I got to get through this tunnel. That was extremely frustrating.

And I will defend myself by saying it is a one way tunnel with, like, a ten minute wait.

And there was, like, a couple cars ahead of me that clearly didn't understand what was happening, and we're just sitting there with a green light, and I'm like, if this light turns red, I'm sitting here for another ten minutes.

Colin True

00:28:00.608 - 00:28:04.656

But, yeah, I think, let's be nice. Be nice, everybody. Be nice to each other out there.

Justin Housman

00:28:04.808 - 00:28:05.584

Yeah. All right.

Colin True

00:28:05.592 - 00:28:58.608

Well, my party shot is not nearly as nice.

So I got to talk about raw Tech that came out from Fox racing, because I saw this press release about raw text, a new technology, new apparel technology from Fox racing. And it's spelled R A W T e c. It's all capital letters. And look, I saw it. And all I had in a press release, and all I could see was raw dog.

That's all the word that I could see. And literally, I'm like, fox racing releases raw dog. I'm like, what is happening? And then you realize, oh, so just, God damn it.

People at brands take a second to look at the thing you're putting out there and poke some holes in it. Just be like, what can people see when they look at that? It's everywhere.

And if you go to their website, it's like, oh, now, with raw tech, I'm assuming it's some. I don't even really know what it is. It's a. It's a new fabric technology. But you do.

You're calling it raw tech also, by the way, if you don't want to get as gross as I am with raw dog, I see raw tech. If I'm not thinking raw dog, I'm thinking chafing. I'm thinking, like, encouraging.

Justin Housman

00:28:58.664 - 00:29:01.448

I was just gonna say raw is not pleasant ever.

Colin True

00:29:01.504 - 00:29:15.050

Oh, bad, bad, bad fox racing. So I am again calling for the institution of a brand. Asshole. At every outdoor brand. To stop you from embarrassing yourself, please. Raw tag.

Why would you want to wear something?

Justin Housman

00:29:16.350 - 00:29:19.010

What is it? What's wrong about it? Not, like, treated.

Colin True

00:29:19.670 - 00:29:21.374

I don't. I don't know. I close the.

Justin Housman

00:29:21.462 - 00:29:23.290

This will chafe your shit.

Colin True

00:29:23.790 - 00:29:46.562

They don't think. They don't think about this stuff, man. All right, well, let's see if we can wrap it up there. Thanks for everybody listening.

Thanks for checking out the rock fight. Make sure you listen to gear and beer coming out on Thursday. And we should have another episode of the Rock fight probably on Friday. The Rock fight.

This is a production of Rock Fight, LLC. For Justin Houseman. I'm Colin Truth. Thanks for listening. He's back again, folks. Kristen makes is here to sing the rock fight song.

We'll see you next time? Rock fighters.

Chris DeMakes

00:29:46.666 - 00:30:42.530

Rock fight. Rock fight. Rock fight. Rock fight. Rock fight. Rock fight.

Welcome to the rock fight, where we speak our truth, slay sacred cows and sometimes a greenhouse to disagree, we talk about human powered outdoor activities and big bites about topics that we find interesting, like pop culture, music, the latest movie reviews, ideas that aim for the head. This is where we speak our truth? This is where we speak our truth? Rock fight. Rock fight. Rock fight. Welcome to the rock fight. Rock, rock side?

Welcome to the rock flight? Rock, rock side? Rock flight? Rock fight. Rock fight. Welcome to the rock fight? Rock fight. Rock fight.

Colin True

00:30:44.710 - 00:30:47.110

Rock fight.


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